
home of my figure zine


Hi! I’m the head of ophazines. My name is Mala and I’ve been participating in zines for many years now. I hope to bring many zines to life over the coming years with the help of my friends! Thank you for your support


Hi, I'm Ashe, one of the mods of ophazines! I'm a graphic designer by hobby & trade and have always been interested in the creative process behind collaborative art projects like zines. It is amazing to see everyone's passion come together and I hope we can share that with you!

Zeddy Bear

Hewwooo I’m one of the people behind the curtain at ophazines! My name is Zed and I’ve participated and run a few zines before and am very pleased to be able to keep making zines with this lovely team! Hope y'all enjoy our future releases! >wO)


Hello, I'm Seb! I'm a mod on ophanzines team :D. I'm a self-taught graphic artist and lover of all things Weird and Strange. I've always wanted to be a part of zines, and getting so many amazing artists together is a dream.

Past Mods:

Cal Sabatini

Cal Sabatini was the RPZinemaker mod who put the RPZinemaker zine together. He offered to contribute sometime after applications went through! Thank you so much for making the first zine such a smooth process!


What is the theme of this zine?
Anime figures
How old you do you have to be to contribute?
Contributors must be 18+
Will there be a physical copy of this zine??
This is a free digital only zine! It will be distributed in PDF format and available to read in browser on
Is NSFW allowed?
Suggestive imagery is allowed, however, no artwork sexualizing minors and nothing sexually explicit (ie body fluids, genitalia)
How many pieces will the artists be permitted to make?
You’re allowed to contribute 2 pieces!
Anymore Questions?
Ask us on Tumblr or Curiouscat!


Interest Check Opens: July 15th
Interest Check Closes: August 15th
Applications Open: August 18th
Applications Close: September 18th
Application Emails: October 8th
Check In Date One: October 28th
Check In Date Two: November 28th
Check In Date Three: January 5th
Final Submission Date: January 25th
Zine Release Date: February 15thSee you next year!


ophazines is a a group of friends providing zines annually for public consumption. zines we've released are RPZinemaker and My Figure Zine.
